Required Documentation

You must submit appropriate documentation directly to Evaluation Systems for review in support of a request for alternative testing arrangements if you are not eligible to submit an Institutional Verification of Documentation (see Institutional Verification of Documentation).

All documentation must meet all of the following requirements:

  • It must include a signed statement by a qualified professional, written on that person's professional letterhead, whose license or credentials are appropriate to describe or diagnose the disability.
  • It must include a diagnosis of the disability or disabilities.
  • It must include recommended alternative testing arrangements that are specifically related to the disability and that are reasonable within the context of this licensing test, or verification that the examinee has received the requested alternative testing arrangement(s) at the high school or college/university level.
  • It must be current, according to the Documentation Currency Policy.

Additionally, if you are requesting alternative testing arrangements because of a learning or cognitive disability, your documentation must include:

  • A full educational history with complete documentation of special education services, including other disability-related testing modifications, received within the past five years, along with the name, date, and results of the diagnostic test(s) or evaluation(s), designed for purposes other than screening, administered within the past five years*, used to document the disability (test results should demonstrate the current functional impact of your disability)


  • Results of a psychological, neuropsychological, or psychoeducational diagnostic test battery, designed for purposes other than screening, administered within the past five years*, interpreted by a qualified professional whose license or credentials are appropriate to diagnose the condition (test results should demonstrate the current functional impact of your disability)


  • Results of an evaluation interpreted by a licensed professional verifying physical abnormalities as evidenced by a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalogram (EEG), or brain topography mapping test administered within the past five years*

Documentation, in itself, does not automatically support the granting of alternative testing arrangements.

*See the Documentation Currency Policy for exceptions.

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